Follow these true American patriots!! #resistors #FuckTrump #FuckMAGA #Fuck Elon
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Fight 4 America🇺🇸🇺🇦
We’re building a WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE against an international collusion of billionaires whose aim is to enslave us ... 💙💙 we need to stay close. "hold hands", at times. keep our eyes open, and communicate with each other. i suggest #TruthWarriors tag, across apps ifb
👍💙🙏 #TruthWarriors #StrongerTogether #BlueCrew #Resist #VIVALaResistance #NAFO #FBPE #Iran #SlavaUkraini JOIN FORCES, Follow everyone, Follow back everyone. F*ck vetting, Block later, as needed. Grow NOW! AMPLIFY YOUR VOICE BY NETWORKING & SPEAK OUT, Truth Warriors!
We’re building a WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE against an international collusion of billionaires whose aim is to enslave us ... 💙💙 we need to stay close. "hold hands", at times. keep our eyes open, and communicate with each other. i suggest #TruthWarriors tag, across apps ifb
👍💙🙏 #TruthWarriors #FBR #GrowtheResistance #LeftiesOfTheWorldUnite #CanadaSaysFUTrump #VPTrump #FAFO JOIN FORCES, Follow everyone, Follow back everyone. F*ck vetting, Block later, as needed. Grow NOW! AMPLIFY YOUR VOICE BY NETWORKING & SPEAK OUT, Truth Warriors!